Pygmy is a tiny webserver ment for embedding into applications. The core of the server around 40KB. It provides a flexible way to plug-in features, similiar to apache modules or servlets, but it's a much more lightweight API. However, pygmy isn't a replacement for servlet technology. Servlet containers can be integrated into pygmy, and replace other heavyweight http servers. Pygmy can scale it's functionality down to the bare neccessities. Features can be optionally added and removed to reduce pygmy's already small binary size. Pygmy tries to err on the side of simplicity, but allow for enough flexiblity so that it can be tightly integrated with applications. Pygmy is a departure from most web servers because it gracefully scales features to meet your needs. The core of pygmy only knows how to read http requests. Creating responses to the http requests are the job of the Handler(s). The default Server implementation is controlled by a configuration file. Running the Pygmy web server is as simple as running the following:
java -jar pygmy-core.jar
This starts the server listenning on port 80. Point your browser to this page, and you should see this text. To configure the server you can include a couple of command-line options.
Changing how the server reacts is as simple as changing the configuration file the server reads. Add the command-line
java -jar pygmy-core.jar -config
Now your server will use to configure the server. By default there are five handlers included: FileHandler, DirectoryHandler, ResourceHandler, PrintHandler, and DefaultChainHandler. FileHandler retrieves files from a directory and sends them over http. DirectoryHandler shows the listings for a directory. ResourceHandler serves up resources out of the classpath or a jar file very similiar to FileHandler. PrintHandler echos back the http request sent to the URL. DefaultChainHandler allows the user to create a chain of Handlers, much like Chain of Responsibility whereby each Handler is called in succession to see if it wants to handle the http request. Once a Handler has elected to handle the request the traversal of the chain stops and the response is returned. Let's look at an example configuration file: http.port=80 handler=root root.class=pygmy.handlers.ResourceHandler root.url-prefix=/ root.resourceMount=/html mime.html=text/html mime.gif=image/gif mime.jpeg=image/jpeg mime.jpg=image/jpeg The first section of the configuration is configuring the server, like the port it should listen on. The handler property is the name of the handler the server should use to handle requests. Notice root.class property holds the name of a java class. The server will instantiate this class by looking for the first constructor. All Handler's can only define one constructor. Generally, most Handlers will simply define a no-arg constructor. However, it is possible to have constructors defined with other parameters. That is a more advanced topic to be discussed later. The second part of the configuration file, the root.* properties, is used by the actual ResourceHandler. These properties are Handler dependant; they will be different for each Handler. The root.url-prefix is a commonly seen property. It defines which url this handler will respond to. This is important when multiple handlers are being used in the system, more on this later. The next property root.resourceMount controls where in the classpath the ResourceHandler will server up files from. It's like a web directory in an normal server. Normal web server's map a URL of / to some directory in its configuration. ResourceHandler maps a URL to a place in the classpath. Finally, the last section deals with mime types. The server will only serve up files that it has a mime-type for. This just a small list of all the mime-types out there. Now let's look at a more complex example of configuration. What would a configuration look like for multiple Handlers? http.port=80 handler=chain chain.chain = file directory resource chain.class=pygmy.handlers.DefaultChainHandler file.class=pygmy.handlers.FileHandler file.url-prefix=/ file.root=C:/temp directory.class=pygmy.handlers.DirectoryHandler directory.root=${file.root} directory.url-prefix=${file.url-prefix} directory.template.header=/header.html directory.template.footer=/footer.html resource.class=pygmy.handlers.ResourceHandler resource.resourceMount=/html resource.url-prefix=${file.url-prefix} mime.html=text/html mime.gif=image/gif mime.jpeg=image/jpeg mime.jpg=image/jpeg The same port, log, handler are present as in the last example. This time the root handler is called chain. Notice that it is a DefaultChainHandler, and that it uses different properties than the ResourceHandler. Notably, it contains a .chain property. It's value is names of the other handlers in this chain. The file.class property is a FileHandler, and it's properties are .url-prefix, and a .root. The .url-prefix is the same as the previous example. The .root property is the file path to the web root. The directory handler has .root, .url-prefix, and two other properties .template.header and .template.footer. These are used to stylize the text tacked onto the beginning and end of the HTML generated for the directory listing. These properties are URLs to load these two files from. Finally, the resource handler has similiar properties as the example before. Notice the syntax used in the directory.root property: directory.root=${file.root}. This means use the value of the property file.root as directory.root's value. This allows you to configure a set of handlers that share some similiar configuration. Surrounding string with ${} will substitute the value of a property in it's place, unless that property does not exist in which case it will ignore it. For example: foo=bar subst=Let's go to the ${foo} The property subst's value will be Let's go to the bar. The difference between this example and the last is there are more handlers. This configuration will server files from c:\temp and provide a directory listing from c:\temp. Finally, it will serve files from a class-path that begin with /html. There is no limit to the size of the handlers that can be used. There can be chains of chains and so on and so on. There can be any number of FileHandlers, DirectoryHandlers, or ResourceHandlers all with different properties. The real power is writing your own handlers and plugging them into the system, however, I'll leave that as an exercise to the reader. HandlersAll behavior written for pygmy is included in Handlers, for example, serving files, listing directories, etc. Handlers implement the pygmy.core.Handler interface which are the following three methods:
The intialize() method is called when the Server is initialized prior to the first request being handled. The two parameters passed to the intialize() method are the Server instance and the name of this handler. The handler's name is used to access this handler's configuration. Most handlers will need to remember their own name so that they can read changes in their configuration at runtime. At the end of the initialize() method, the handler should return true if initialization was successful. The handle() method handles http requests coming in from the network. It is very similiar to a servlet's doPost or doGet methods. However, the server calls this method regardless of http command (i.e. get, head, put, or post). Normally, handle() method will look at the request and decided whether or not it will handle the request. If it chooses to respond to the request it will use the HttpResponse object to send a reply, and return true. If it does not wish to handle the request it simply returns false. Returning true or false is very important for predictable operation. Returning false allows for other handlers to be called when they are a part of a chain. The shutdown() method is called when the Server is closing down all the EndPoints and exiting the process. This method is called to allow for Handlers to clean themselves up so a clean shutdown can occur. For example, a Handler might need to close down open sockets, running threads, or open files before the Server can shutdown. Handler ExampleHandlers sound easy, but let's look at a concrete example to see how we might actually create one. In this example I'm going to build a Web authenication handler that implements the RFC 2617 web protocol. We are going to stick to just Basic web authentication to keep it simple. I leave Digest authentication as an exercise to the reader. WARNING: The code written here is for example only. Please do not use this code in production environments because it is NOT SECURE! If you want basic web authentication please use BasicWebAuthHandler supplied with pygmy. Also check out SSLServerSocketEndPoint so your username and passwords can't be sniffed. This is just an example to demonstrate how some would write a Handler. It stores passwords in the clear which is a huge security hole. We want to create a Handler that sits in front of other sets of handlers and protects requests to specific URLs. Let's start with writing the configuration file first, and then move onto actually implementing the Handler. Since everything in the pygmy world that creates responses are Handlers, our webauth handler could be protecting files, directories, or some sort of specialized Handler. The point is we don't know what's behind us which is very important for the reusability of this Handler. Let's take a look at a simple configuration: http.port=80 handler=chain chain.chain = auth resource chain.class=pygmy.handlers.DefaultChainHandler auth.class=pygmy.handlers.BasicWebAuthHandler auth.url-prefix=/ auth.realm=monkey town auth.user=monkey auth.password=bananna resource.class=pygmy.handlers.ResourceHandler resource.resourceMount=/html resource.url-prefix=/ mime.html=text/html mime.gif=image/gif mime.jpeg=image/jpeg mime.jpg=image/jpeg So this configuration file creates a single chain holding two handlers named: auth and resource. The auth handler is our web authentication handler we will build. The resource handler is the same as the default one created by Server. At the end of this tutorial restart your server with this configuration file, hit URL http://localhost/, login with the user and password above, and you should get this document. Let's create a new class called pygmy.handlers.BasicWebAuthHandler. Here is the first part of the code: public class BasicWebAuthHandler extends AbstractHandler { public static final ConfigOption REALM_OPTION = new ConfigOption( "realm", "", "The default realm to authenticate against." ); public static final ConfigOption USER_OPTION = new ConfigOption( "user", true, "The username you will authenticate." ); public static final ConfigOption PASSWORD_OPTION = new ConfigOption( "password", true, "The password for the given username." ); String realm; String user; String password; Every handler needs some sort of configuration options the user can control. The ConfigOption class is a new addition to pygmy. It helps encapsulate properties this handler allows users to change. It also helps the user when he misconfigures an option. ConfigOption classes can be required, supply defaults, and a control a user friendly string to provide a description about the ConfigOption. It's highly recomended you use these in place of hard coded strings so that users can get feedback as to the options supplied by the to the handler. Notice this class extends AbstractHandler. AbstractHandler is a class that implements the Handler interface, and provides some extra functionality for retrieving properties and managing common data. It is advantageous to extend this class whenever possible. We will accept the default initialize() method provided by AbstractHandler. Here is the code from AbstractHandler for illustrative purposes. public boolean initialize(Server server, String handlerName) { this.server = server; this.handlerName = handlerName; realm = REALM_OPTION.getProperty( server, handlerName ); username = USER_OPTION.getProperty( server, handlerName ); password = PASSWORD_OPTION.getProperty( server, handlerName ); return true; } The AbstractHandler.initialize() method is fairly straight forward. The handlerName variable passed to the initialize() method is the name of this Handler's instance. We will want to save this into a member variable for safe keeping. Notice the final line of this method returns true. This signifies to the Server that this Handler was able to initialize properly. Returning false would disable this Handler from getting requests, but the Server would continue to work. Next we will actually implement the handle() method. This is quite a bit more complex. First let's discus what Basic web authentication is. When a web browser sends a request to a protected URL. The web server looks at the http request headers to see if the browser is sending an Authorization header. It would look something like this: GET /foo/bar/protected.html HTTP\1.1 User-Agent: Mozilla Authorization: Basic QZfjwiajfas== .... If there is a header, it is decoded and check against the known username(s) and password(s). If it matches one, then request is allowed to continue. If either the password was wrong or the header was absent, it sends a 401 with a WWW-Authenticate header to the client. At this point your web browser prompts you for a username and password, and sends the request back including the Authorization header. The exchange would look something like the following:
Initial Request:
GET /foo/bar/protected.html HTTP\1.1 User-Agent: Mozilla ....Server asks for authentication: 401 Authentication Required WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="monkey business" ....After your web browser prompts for user name and password, it sends the request again: GET /foo/bar/protected.html HTTP\1.1 User-Agent: Mozilla Authorization: Basic QZfjwiajfas== .... The Authorization header's value is "Basic username:password", but the user name and password is BASE64 encoded. The server will decode that text, and check the user name and password against the user's it knows about. If their is a successful match he sends the URL onto be processed. Now let's look at the code for this: protected boolean handleBody(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) throws IOException { String auth = request.getRequestHeader("Authorization"); if( auth == null ) { return askForAuthorization(request, response); } int index = auth.indexOf(" "); if( index < 0 ) { return askForAuthorization( request, response ); } auth = auth.substring( index + 1 ); BASE64Decoder decoder = new BASE64Decoder(); auth = new String( decoder.decodeBuffer( auth ) ); String[] credentials = auth.split(":"); if( !credentials[0].equals( user ) || !credentials[1].equals( password ) ) { return askForAuthorization( request, response ); } return false; } private boolean askForAuthorization(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) { response.addHeader( "WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"" + realm + "\"" ); response.sendError( 401, "Authentication required."); return true; } The first you might notice is that we didn't implement the handle() method in the Handler interface. Instead we overode the handleBody() method from AbstractHandler. Notice also that the two parameters HttpRequest and HttpResponse are passed to handleBody() instead of Request and Response. AbstractHandler is a handy little class that makes writing Handlers easier for http based Handlers. It implements the handle() and calls handleBody() when two conditions are met. First thing AbstractHandler.handle() checks is that the Request and Resopnse parameters are HttpRequest and HttpResponse. Next it checks that the URL being requested starts with this Handler's prefix. If both of those conditions pass then it calls handleBody() which subclasses should overide. This is something that lots of Handlers will need to do so using the AbstractHandler as your super class can be very helpful when you go to create your own Handlers. An important note is that every request regardless of URL can be handled by any Handler. Overiding the handle() method would allow this. Now let's look at the code in the handleBody() method. First the handler checks the header for the Authorization. If it is not there he requests for authentication. Next he parses out the credentials, and decodes the BASE64 representation. Finally he checks this user name and password against the configured user and password. If they don't match up, he asks for authentication. Notice that this handler doesn't send anything back if the user and password were correct. It simply falls through and returns false. This allows the next handler in the chain to process the actual request. This is an interesting difference because this allows the handler to be independant from how the request is handled. Also notice that the Handler doesn't read his configuration from server.getProperty() method. Instead, he uses request.getProperty(). HttpRequest has a properties per request. This allows one handler to process a request and put the results into the properties, but not return anything to the user. Then a handler further in the chain can use those results and return an actual request. However, notice that the properties from the server configuration are accessible from here too! The server configurations are like the defaults, but they can be overridden by putting something in the request's properties. For example, a good addition to our BasicWebAuthHandler would be to put the username and password into the request properties. That way another handler could pull those out, and include a specialized greeting in some HTML he generates, rewrite URLs to remember users, or create a session for this user. An important thing to note about Handlers is that they are multithreaded. There can be any number of threads processed by a Handler at once. In the above code notice that he creates a BASE64Decoder each time the handle method is called. This is done so that two threads aren't using the decoder at the same time. If this was stored as a member variable it would be possible for two threads to manipulate it at the same time. Finally, let's not forget about the shutdown() method. Since we extended AbstractHandler, we don't have to write this method. We would only need to override this method if our Handler required any clean up (i.e. if we had any sockets that this Handler opened, or database connections, etc). Now we can 'ant build package'. Run the server and hit the URL http://localhost/:
java -jar pygmy-core.jar -config
EndPointEndPoints are what take in the Requests from somewhere. They are responsible for reading from the socket or file to produce Requests (in these examples we are creating HttpRequests, but really any Request is possible). They also control threading and honor keepAlives. Generally, most users won't require the need to write their own EndPoint. However, this allows users to define new protocols for which handlers can respond to. All EndPoints implment the pygmy.core.EndPoint interface which looks like the following:
It is very similiar to the Handler interface. The intialize() method is called when the server is initialized. All EndPoints will be initialized prior to servicing Requests. The start() method is called once the Server has properly initialized and its a signal to start listening on sockets, create threads, etc. Finally the shutdown() method is called to allow for the EndPoint to cleanup before shutting down. How do you control which endpoints are instantiated? The above configurations never mentioned what EndPoints the server should install. The server looks for the property endpoints in the configuration. If it fails to find the endpoints property it creates a default EndPoint named http of type pygmy.core.ServerSocketEndPoint. Notice in the above configurations the paramter http.port. This line is changing the .port property on the instance of the default EndPoint to control what TCP port to create the listenning socket. If the server finds the endpoints property, then it parses the value for the names of all the EndPoints that should be installed in the server. The endpoints property is a space seperated list of names. It then creates them by looking for a configuration property <name of the endpoint>.class to know what class to instantiate. EndPoints must have a no-argument constructor in order to be instantiated. Here is a simple example of changing the endpoints a server will use: handler=aHandler endpoints=http foo http.port=80 http.class=pygmy.core.ServerSocketEndPoint foo.class=my.package.SomeOtherEndPoint aHandler.class=my.package.SuperDuperHandler mime.html=text/html mime.gif=image/gif mime.jpeg=image/jpeg mime.jpg=image/jpeg EndPoints will create the instances implementing the Request and Response abstract classes. Then they simple make a call to the Server posting the request and response to the Handlers. Here is an example of what an EndPoint might look like: public void run() { // EndPoints will be using a thread for servicing sockets etc. // This is usually handled by the implementing Runnable interface so that's this // example starts in the run() method. while( true ) { Request request = ...create a request from something... Response response = ...create a response class... ...create an instance of runnable to handle the request... ); } } The above example demonstrates how an EndPoint interacts with whatever it's accepting request from. It will also create a response object that corresponds to the request object it created. Then it calls Runnable ) to post a piece of code to the server to handle the request. Calling this takes the instance of Runnable and uses the Server's ThreadPool to service the request. This way EndPoints don't have to control threading, and it boosts performance by removing the overhead of creating and destroying threads per request by using this method. If an EndPoint wants to implement their own threading then it can simply call Request, Response ) method itself. However, it's easier and better performance wise to use the former method call rather than the later in EndPoints. NOTE: EndPoints that implement Runnable interface instead of subclassing Thread can easily migrate to using the server's ThreadPool instead of creating their own thread. Since doing this will subtract from the number of threads available for servicing requests. The user might want to up the ThreadPool size to account for EndPoints taking Threads from the pool. Pygmy and Mime TypesIn the above configurations we have several options in the config file that begin with mime. These are the mime types that this Server understands. It is important to include all the mime types you want your Server to recognize, otherwise you'll spend several hours scrathing your head as to why pygmy does see your .png files when they are right there in the directory. To help out pygmy includes in its distribution a file that includes lots of mime-types. You can copy the contents of this file, and include it in your configuration file. Logging
Pygmy supports robust, feature rich logging. Configuring logging can take many forms, and you can actually limit
logging to particular Handlers, EndPoints, or pygmy core to isolate messages. Pygmy uses Sun's logging package which
is sufficient for most logging configurations. Logging is just like any other configuration file. It can be a seperate
file handed to pygmy through The simplest configuration contains these two lines: .level= FINEST handlers= java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler This defines the logging level to finest which is like debug in every other logging package. This will be the most verbose. Usually you won't want to use this except in debugging your configuration and development. The logging levels in terms of least verbose to most verbose is: SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST. The next line configures where logging will be sent. The handlers property is a comma seperated list of classnames of Handlers. In this example, all logging messages will be printed on System.err on the console. That's a simple example of configuring logging. Let's change the format of what is being logged. In order to do that we would use this configuration: .level= FINEST handlers= java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter The new line controls the format of the Handler will log. This property sets the formatter for the logging messsages. It is logging using the SimpleFormatter which outputs simple text consisting of 1 or 2 lines. Other formatters include java.util.logging.XMLFormatter which outputs XML log messages. Let's look at one last configuration that allows us to output log messages to a file for safe keeping. .level= FINEST handlers= java.util.logging.FileHandler, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler # default file output is in user's home directory. java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern = %h/java%u.log java.util.logging.FileHandler.limit = 50000 java.util.logging.FileHandler.count = 1 java.util.logging.FileHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.XMLFormatter java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = INFO java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter This configuration uses to Handlers to output messages to a XMLFormatter and a SimpleFormatter. This configuration also creates a log file in the user's home directory for logging messages. The limit property controls how large a configuration file to write. This is useful for log rotating where no one file will be larger than 50,000 bytes. The next property controls how many log files to create when rotating logs. In this case there will only be one, so it will only keep a log size of 50,000 bytes. A limit of 0 (zero) has no limit. The default is zero or no limit. The next property controls the formatter for this Handler which is a XMLFormatter. Notice the last two lines. One is familiar, but the level property on this Handler sets this Handler to a higher logging level than the property .level defines which is FINEST. This means that the log messages sent to the console are will show INFO and higher. However, the FileHandler will log all messages since it doesn't override the .level property. Customizing Pymgy's DistributionThe core of the pygmy server is very small. By itself that doesn't provide any Handlers. So, in order to add request processing functionality you will have to include another jar file with Handlers. Pygmy is seperated into three jars, pygmy-core, pygmy-handlers, and pygmy-docs. The only jar file that is absolutely required is pygmy-core, however, as stated above this does not include any Handlers so you will have to include at least one more jar file in your final distribution. It does not have to be the pygmy-handlers.jar that comes with pygmy's distribution. You can package you own pygmy-handlers.jar within your project and use that with pygmy. Pygmy does not require any particular directory structure. This makes it very easy to adapt into your own projects. If you use the classpath included in pygmy jar file then all you have to do is place pygmy-core.jar and pygmy-handlers.jar in the same directory. You can optionally add a pygmy-docs.jar (either one you created or the distribution's pygmy-docs.jar). Finally, you probably will include your own configuration file. This can be distributed on the file system as a seperate file, or it can be packaged into one of the jar files in the classpath. This is helpful is you don't want users manipulating your configuration. Running pygmy can take many forms. The way you choose to run it depends on how you have choosen to package the file. You can run pygmy using the -jar option like:
java -jar pygmy-core.jar -config
When pygmy is run this way it uses the classpath within the pygmy-core.jar file, which includes jar files: pygmy-handlers.jar and pygmy-docs.jar. This configuration expects these jar files to be in the same directory as pygmy-core.jar. You can also load server configuration from the actual jar file. The Server's algorithm first looks for the config file on the file system, then tries to load it from the classpath.
java -jar pygmy-core.jar -config some/path/inside/the/jar/file/
You may override the classpath within the pygmy-core.jar file, by using the -cp or -classpath option on the commandline:
java -cp pygmy-core.jar:pygmy-handlers.jar:pygmy-docs.jar:my.jar pygmy.core.Server -config
You can even use your own main program and instantiate a Server object, however, at this point you are in charge of finding and loading the Server's configuration, and the -config and -port command line options are not available. See the javadoc for the Server's API. Advanced Handler ConstructionSometimes it's impotant that you be able to share some objects between several handlers. However, handlers only parameterize themselves from the server's configuration. If you need handlers to share an instance of an object you wouldn't be able to do that. This is usually important when pygmy is embedded within a larger application. Normally larger applications will want to expose some object to http or some other protocol. Handlers can easily require communicate dependant data through their constructor. When pygmy reads the classname in the server config it will analyze the constructor for the Handler. If it requires any particular classes to be passed as parameters then it will try to find instance objects registered with the server that share the same type. It will then use those objects as parameters to the Handler's constructor. That way several Handlers can very easily describe their dependancies and share underlying instances between each other. This depends on the Server being properly configured by an outside application. By default pygmy doesn't allow for this type of construction. Or to look at it another way, pygmy will simply pass null values to your constructor if your Handler is used in pygmy's default implementation. However, when pygmy is embedded within a larger application, the larger application can share its data with the Handlers through this mechanism. In order for programs to take advantage of this they simply call the Server.registerComponent() passing the object that the program wishes to make available to Handlers prior to calling Server.start(). Handlers then simply declare a constructor that takes an argument of the type registered with the Server, and viola pygmy will construct the Handler with that component. This approach does have some limitations: